Thursday, 17 September 2020


 Of course I am suspicious of 'Apps'. I read '1984' long before 1984, and whilst I am reasonably sure that 'Big Brother' is not specifically targetting me, something not unlike said character is now fairly omnipresent, and perfectly capable of finding out more about me than I would like: I believe many 'Apps' are active in this field, but of course I can't prove it.

So why on Earth, I hear you ask, did I download another such App recently? In truth - to earn a buck. I awoke this morning, looked at the piles of my wife's clothing, handbags, shoes etc., adorning our bedroom floor and uttered the words "this place is such a mess, has been for years: no wonder I hate living here now". (FYI my wife has filled a wall-to-wall wardrobe in a spare bedroom - about 7ft wide, built in - but clearly that's not enough). Oh dear - not a great move. But, thanks to my latest 'App', I can escape this place for a few hours at least and deliver Amazon's little (and medium sized) boxes to people who, mostly, smile and are welcoming. The pay is poor, but it is an earner and gets me out. 

I once tried to take it upon myself to 'clear up/clean up' radically, because 'radical' is now required: I got into some trouble when 'management' - a term I acquired from the late broadcaster Ray Moore (it's how he described his wife) discovered that I'd removed a piece or two of hers (probably hadn't been used for 20 years, but the principle....she was right) and took a serious metaphorical blow or three! So now I only clear my own stuff. Just to give some photographic evidence: below you sere my side of our bed (by no means 'perfect', I admit - but narrow and mostly books - the memsahib's dressing table in the bottom left corner).

And below 'her side': 

I'll leave it you you to make your own deductions.

If I haven't mentioned this before I owe almost every good thing in my life to my parents - particularly my Dad (RIP both). Thanks to him/ them, I just came into a little financial bonus which will be enough to make some significant repairs to our house (given that I'd sell tomorrow, if poss - CV19 might make that a bit tricky, but that is an unknown). On which subject, I have decided not to continue my profession as an Audiologist (it just cannot be the same dealing with clients whose hearing is 'below par' whilst both parties wear masks, I wear gloves and am unable (physically) to make contact to demonstrate how to insert a hearing aid.

So the Amazon 'Flex' App it is - gets me driving around (something I really enjoy - especially now that I've regained my driving licence post brain surgery) and out of the house. Of course I recognise that my life, compared to the average bloke in Zimbabwe - and I could have picked a number of countries: Zimbabwe comes to mind as an example only - my life really is a 'bowl of cherries'. And age brings grumpiness in ageing men (and I am one), I'm only too well aware. You catch my drift, I hope? Onwards and upwards then - just got to sort out the young thing (and associated problems there, as mentioned in a previous blog) I/we spawned - look forward to moving out before rigour mortis sets in, and I shall be 'in clover'! Pip pip.

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